Advertising Agency

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Trend of Ad Technology

Facebook is the advertising product which shows achieves to make its quantity and quality stronger- from the case of Gloops of ‘SkyLock’-The effect of the targeting function of similar audiences, such as increasing the user’s continuing rate by 1.5 times

As smartphone devices and connection environments are advancing, advertising menus of mobile game apps are advancing and increasing their kinds. One of the menus which is drawing the attentions the most is the advertising menus of Facebook…

“AdStir”(by United)’s connection with “PubNative” (a native advertising ad network service provided by PubNative) has made possible the distribution of the kind of native advertising that match the theme inside an app.

AdStir’s connection with “PubNative” realized the possibility of flexibly distributing customized native advertisement even for apps that doesn’t have a Feed feature(such as game or tool apps). Placards held by characters in the game; adve…

“Adstir”(by united)’s connection with “Logicad”( a DSP provided by So-net Media Networks Co.,Ltd.) on RTB escalated bidding competition

By the connection with "Logicad", media that distribute advertisement via “AdStir” are able to receive bids from 18 DSP around the world. It’s expected that through a more varied bidding activity, the bidding competition would be more vigo…


Facebookは、パブリッシャーが自身のコンテンツを適切なユーザーへ届けられるよう、3つの新機能をリリース。さらに、サードパーティの分析ツールで見られたFacebookからの自然流入が少なく計測される問題を解消したと発表した。 出典:HTTP://MARKEZINE.JP/A…

Facebook Adds 3 New Publishing Tools To Target Posts

Facebook recently announced three new tools to help publishers connect with their readers. 1. Interest Targeting To help you reach the right person, Facebook now offers the ability to target posts a subset of the people that like your Page…